Performer | resume | rep:




Lin presents a bright individualism…accurately portrays the reality and structure of high school sports… — On The Record Mag

Lin feels very real, drawing the audience into the world… – LEO Weekly

Lin displays convincing feats of athleticism… — Louisville Public Media

are you there?

Actors Theatre of Louisville 44th Annual Humana Festival | Written by Vivian Barnes, Jonathan Norton, and Gab Reisman | Directed by Robert Barry Fleming | Scenic Design & Props by Katelin Ashcraft | Costumes by Mike Floyd | Lighting by Wen-Ling Liao | Sound by Lindsay Burdsall | Dramaturg - Jenni Page-White | Assistant Dramaturgs - Kathryn de la Rosa, Liam E. Gibbs | Directing Assistant - Cara Hinh

the wolves

Actors Theatre of Louisville | Written by Sarah DeLappe | Directed by Pirronne Yousefzadeh | Scenic Design by Yoon Bae | Costumes by Brooke Cohen Brown | Lighting by Cecilia Durbin | Sound and Music by Pornchanok Kanchanabanca | Movement Direction by Rocío Mendez | Stage Managed by Kelsey Brennan York

Helen mirren takes a day off

Actors Theatre of Louisville | Written by Alex Lin | Directed by Rebecca Hirota | Lighting by Siena Wise | Sound by Joshua Brown | Costumes by Emily Bröd

Henry vi, part III

Commonwealth Shakespeare Company | Directed by Adam Sanders